Apply Complaint

The Company provides protection against employees or part who report in Whistle Blowing System

Whistle Blowing System

PT KIEC Implement Whistle Blowing System (WBS) In accordance with Candy of State. KEP-01/MBU/2011 on Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) at SOE Article 27 and the Regulation of the Minister of State of State  PER-05/MBU/2006 date of December 20, 2006 , On the Audit Committee for SOEs. The Board of Commissioners may appoint an Audit Committee to conduct a review of complaints relating to SOEs.

Violation reporting system that occurs in the environment of work and involves the participation of all elements of the company in the process of reporting and disclosure.

WBS is part of the system of internal controls to prevent fraud and fraudulent practices and to strengthen the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG).

Violations can be reported through Abuse Reporting System (Whistleblowing System) is as follows :

1. Conflict of Interest
2. Corruption
3. Cheating
4. Theft / Embezzlement
5. Violations of the Procurement Process
6. Abuse of position / authority
7. Bribery / Gratuity

Implementation methods Whistle Blowing System (WBS) can be done through multiple media:
1. Reporting directly (Dropbox WBS KIEC 
2. EMail :
3. SMS CENTER KIEC (081284087348)
4. Website (Whistle Blowing System menu)

Each report must be supported by evidence that can be accounted for.

Complaints Whistle Blowing System (WBS) must meet the following elements:
WHAT : Deeds indicate violations of known
WHERE : Where was committed
WHEN : When it was committed
WHO : Anyone who is involved in the act
HOW : How it was committed ( mode, manner, etc. )